
How To Store Bread Machine Bread?

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Storing Bread Machine Bread in a Paper Bag

When considering the storage of bread machine bread, the main question is: “why do we need to take extra measures to store bread machine bread?” The answer to this question is simple. Bread made at home does not have added preservatives that support the longevity of bread. It is made from pure material and therefore, it has a greater chance of staling than the one bought from the market which consists of artificial preservatives.

As soon as the bread is made, you must try to eat as much as you can. If there are a couple of slices of bread left, there are different ways to save it for future use. When the baking is done, take out the loaf of bread and put it on a wire rack and allow it to dry.

Wrap In A Foil

After the loaf has cooled a bit, cover it in multiple layers of aluminum foil. Multiple layers will prevent it from drying. Foil is used if the bread has to be eaten on the same day or has to be kept for at most twenty hours. At the time of eating, remove the foil before heating in a microwave oven. Of course, you can also eat the bread at room temperature.

Seal In A Plastic Bag

A plastic bag is airtight and preserves the bread for a longer period than a foil does. The drawback of this process is that due to the airtight nature of plastic and the way it is sealed, the bread loses its crispiness. The moisture of the bread stays but it no longer is crispy. If you are a lover of soft bread, this method of preservation is good for you.

Try Freezing

Freezing is a useful way to store bread machine bread as it permits the bread to be safe for months. If you freeze the bread after drying it on the wire rack, it has the potential to stay fresh for months. That said, it is still preferable to serve it within a month. When you are hungry, take the bread out of the freezer and let it defrost at room temperature. The aroma, color, taste, and texture of the bread will remain. You can also warm it in the oven and eat it.

Save it in a Refrigerator

Saving bread machine bread in a refrigerator is a bit risky. If it has to be eaten within a few hours, then it is okay. Otherwise, although it does not get mold, bread stales quicker in a refrigerator.

Use a Paper Bag

A paper bag is not much of a reliable way of storing home-made bread as it lets the bread to harden right at the beginning. But if you have to eat the loaf right there and then, the paper bag can keep your hands clean and your bread covered.

Cotton Bag

The cotton bag keeps the bread soft and a bit crisp for three days, after that, it starts to get mold.

This shows that there are multiple ways of preserving bread made with a bread machine. You just need to decide which one suits you the most.

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Macy Wilson is a published author and bread baking expert. She is also known as the bread lady, and writes quality content for Make The Bread. When she's not writing, you will find her in the kitchen or playing with her cat.