The debate between making bread by hand or with a bread maker is one without an end. In our opinion, both are perfect ways to start your bread baking adventures in the kitchen. If you’re wondering if you need to buy a bread machine, then we got you covered. Read this article about why we are ”pro bread maker” and why you might want to buy one too.
Top Reasons to Use a Bread Maker
1. Dependable Results (ALL the time)
Using a bread machine will make sure your bread is always like it’s supposed to be. Once you understand the process and know what ingredients to use, you will be very happy with the quality of your bread. A bread maker is very reliable and results are always consistent.
Because this appliance will do the kneading for you, results are way more consistent than when you would knead the dough by hand.
2. Huge Time Saver
These days we all have busy lives. Getting home after an 8-hour work day (if you’re lucky) and start making bread from scratch might be the last thing on your mind.
That being said, bread makers also have useful timers so you will know exactly when your bread will be ready.
3. Finer texture and bread rises higher
Now we are starting to compare the quality of the bread. In our opinion, bread made with a bread machine has a finer texture most of the times.
4. Very Easy To Use
Minimal attention to the process is required. Even a child could use a bread maker. It’s all a matter of adding the right ingredients and the machine will do the rest. Creating successful loaves has never been this easy!
All the kneading and proving will be done by any modern bread maker. This part is very labor intensive, and you might not feel like doing it after getting home from work. So just weigh out the ingredients, pop them into the machine, and spend some quality time with your children. The entire process is effortless and pleasant. It does take some time to have fresh bread (about 3-4 hours depending of which model).
5. Simple assembly. Simple clean-up.
If you thought using it was simple, wait until you have to clean up. If you would make bread by hand, your kitchen probably looks like a mess. Probably something like the picture below:
You might agree with me that cleaning up is the worst part of making bread by hand. But what’s the result with this product? Only one pan and one blade to clean.
Bread Making by Hand Overrated?
Is bread making by hand overrated? Of course not. If you love the feeling of making bread by hand and you also have the patience, then hat’s off to you. Please invite me over, and I’ll help you eat it.. (just kidding, maybe.)
Anyway, because of my impatience and eye for details, I rarely use my own hands anymore to work the dough. I rather spend extra time with my family than making a new loaf of bread. Thanks to these remarkable bread machines, I can basically do both at the same time.
Nonetheless, if you want to make bread by hand or even with a stand mixer, then definitely give it a try. On the other hand, when you want homemade bread that will be ready at mealtime, then a bread machine is the way to go.
So, did we convince you? If you’re looking for the ten best bread makers, you can read the following article.